Breaking news: This is the year to get your flu shot
Source: diane555 / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty
It’s officially fall, which means it’s time to start ironing out those cozy sweaters that have been crumpled up in your closet and switching from iced to hot macchiatos at Starbucks. With a plethora of things to cross off the to-do list, one chore that can (and always does) get swept under the rug is your annual flu shot.
You’ve seen it advertised on every CVS automated billboard out there and heard about it from your local healthcare provider on Spotify ads (if you’re too cheap for premium). The flu is not just a way to get out of school anymore, it’s deadly.
With the trend of all-natural living circulating the U.S., many people are missing their annual vaccine appointments. This has led to an epidemic, resuscitating many diseases considered extinct. Though the flu is more common than some deadly diseases, it is no less harmful.
In 2017, an estimated record breaking 80,000 people died from the flu, an unfortunate statistic which could have easily been averted with a simple shot. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly recommends that everyone six months of age and older gets a flu shot.
If the issue isn’t a vaccine but the needle, need not worry because the nasal vaccine spray is back in action this year! If money is the issue, you’re in luck because most establishments administer flu shots of free!
The CDC recommends that you get a flu shot by the end of October, so be a little spooky, stop by CVS and then you can go tell your friends you got shot!