Hoban’s “Our Town” spotlight
Akron, OH– Tonight at 7:00 pm, Hoban’s very own Our Town will hit the Barry gymnasium with an impeccable company. In fact, Visor’s very own Corrie Mullins, Abby Griffith, Nick Sack, Grace Rossi and Eva Klockner star in this impactful performance.
Whether it leaves you in tears or in stitches, Our Town will touch hearts with its authentic characters and potent message. Following a daily life in Our Town, the play sets up three stages of life: daily life, love and marriage, death. The show exemplifies the cyclical nature of human life and emphasizes the importance of living each and every moment.
“Do any human beings ever realize life while they live, every every minute?”
This weekend, Hoban students will bring to light the joy, sadness, pain, anger and love that life offers in an attempt to open the audience’s eyes to the fragility of human existence. Go see Our Town. You will walk away with a refreshed outlook on how valuable each day can be.
Showtimes are Nov. 1 at 7:00 pm, Nov. 3 at 7:00 pm and Nov. 4 at 3:00 pm. Tickets are five dollars at the door.
See you there!