Surviving the fall heat

It’s now fall. Cool weather, hot drinks, sweaters, boots and everything fall comes in the months of September and October. I love this season. What’s not to love? 


I look forward to autumn every year, waiting impatiently for the cooler weather after three long months of heat. However, it is now the first week of October and I am still waiting.


On Oct. 1 it was 90 degrees outside. Oct. 2 it was 85 degrees. What is happening? Where is the cool weather everyone was anticipating? Where is fall? Maybe global warming is real?


This October has set records for the heat. In Ohio’s history, only five October days have reached temperatures above 90 degrees (in 1897, 1951, 2007, again in 2007 and in 2019). 


Mother Nature clearly did not want fall to come this year. However, as a lover of everything fall, I could not let this heat flash stand in my way.

I’m still wearing the typical autumn clothes: jeans, sweaters, boots and the like. This heat won’t ruin my favorite fashion season. I’m already wearing oversized everything and, of course, Halloween socks. Yes, I’m constantly overheating. Is it worth it? Definitely. I have to take advantage of this time of year. After all, winter is fast approaching, and soon coats will become a necessary accessory and obscure all my style choices. 


I’ve already started ordering hot pumpkin spiced lattes. Pumpkin spiced lattes= the autumn season in a cup. This warm coffee drink boasts a hint of cinnamon and, most importantly, the delicious pumpkin flavor everyone loves. A definite glossy sweat occurred while drinking the last one, but it sure was delicious. 


Fall-scented candles still kindle in my house. Although it feels like summer outside, it always smells like fall in my room. Autumn has, by far, the best scents. They all evoke a warm feeling like no other candle.


I started watching all my favorite Halloween movies [yes, even Halloween town] last week, as they have the power to put anyone in a fall mood. Watching these helped me ignore the miserable weather outside. 


I know it’s hard to enjoy fall when it is so hot, but I encourage you to still make the most of this season. Ignore the heat. Wear your favorite fall clothes. Drink your favorite hot drinks. Light your favorite autumn candles. Watch your favorite Halloween movies.


Embracing everything you love about autumn, even in the heat, is half the battle. Hopefully next year, Mother Nature will be more on board and give us the fall weather we all want.