The Visor’s guide to the Lenten season

Still thinking about what you should give up for Lent, one week past Ash Wednesday? Here’s The Visor’s top five Lenten sacrifices— and no, we do not recommend giving up food completely as our staff reporter John Lauterjung so willinging suggested.
- Soda–We all love a nice, cold coke every once in a while. Unfortunately, even my top favorite soda (Diet Coke) has been the source of looming health issues across the world. Many substitute a fizzy beverage for water, and their lack of hydration is wreaking havoc on their health. Join me and plenty of others this Lent and sacrifice soda, or as us Midwesterners like to say “pop.”
- Sweets- As the victim of an ever present sweet-tooth, I personally could never make this promise. However, many claim that giving up sugar has given them more energy and an overall feeling of good health—so hop on the trend and give up ice cream or cake for the spring (but definitely splurge on Reese’s Easter Eggs on Easter Sunday).
- Dairy– Senior Abby Adaway has chosen to sacrifice dairy for her Lenten promise and praises the health benefits it’s bestowed upon her.
- “Dairy is a huge factor in my diet, so it’s been really difficult,” she said. “But having a dairy free diet allows me to eat SO much healthier and I feel so much better, especially when I wake up in the morning. Although it’s very difficult especially eating out, it’s so rewarding in the end—plus it’s good for the environment.”
- Meat and gluten–Taking a note from my Greek Orthodox ancestors, giving up both meat and gluten isn’t for the faint of heart. Not only are these two substances in basically every enjoyable food, but the cravings can be unbearable. If you do find yourself looking for a challenge or purge this Lent, consider going Greek (and no, I do not mean sorority life just yet)!
- Social Media– Quite possibly the most beneficial sacrifice one can make, cutting ties from social media, again, is easier said than done. It can, however, reduce negativity and societal pressure from your life. If you’re looking for a refreshing start to your summer, try deleting Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and even the Facebook you created just to meet a college roommate—you’ll never know its benefits until you try it.