What your homecoming heels say about you

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With Homecoming season upon us, most girls in the school worry solely about two things: how to style their hair and, most importantly, what shoes to wear. Having attended nine dances thus far in my Hoban career, I’ve noticed a few trends in Lady Knight footwear. Here’s what your style of Homecoming shoes say about your personality!


Ankle-Strap Block Heels

Basically, the trendiest shoe worn as of late. The ankle-strap showcases your modern style, while the comfortable block heel keeps you from wanting to chop off your feet even before pictures. By adding suede, lace-up straps or even pom-poms, this shoe is versatile enough to display your individual personality, while simultaneously staying on-trend. In other words, whoever’s wearing this stylish shoe has got it going on!


Black Stilettos

Classic, practical and the epitome of fierce, plain black stilettos can be the perfect touch to any hoco fit. This simple shoe makes a strong statement while  also showcasing your classy and sophisticated style. Try pairing this shoe with a red or pink dress to enhance the dresses’ brightness, or a go black on black for a sleek, dramatic look!


Colored Heels

One who chooses colorful heels obviously loves to parade their quirky and fun persona. Adding a turquoise blue or bright orange shoe not only displays your personality but also intensifies the color of you dress. Be it a plain black, white or even the same colored dress, your shoes will definitely be the star of the show (or dance).



If you wear flats to Homecoming, kudos to you! A killer pair of flats can amplify your look while breaking social norms simultaneously (you go, girl!). By rocking flats, you also portray just how smart you are- you won’t have to chuck your shoes off in Alumni, risking leaving them at Hoban. All in all, you’re one practical and smart cookie to wear flats for the dance!