Peculiar Pets: A Cornucopia of Capable Companions


Everyone loves the standard animals— dogs, cats and fish— but few realize there’s so much more potential out there in pet world. Here’s The Visor’s top ten peculiar pets:

Chinchilla (Chinchilla Lanigera)10. Chinchilla

Chinchillas are blessed with an incredibly playful and spunky personality– perfect for an equally fun owner. Often compared to a squirrel, these little buddies barely make any noise. All of this on top of being incredibly soft and easily trainable, chinchillas make a fantastic pet for almost anyone.

9. Hedgehog

Similar to a hamster, these adorable animals can develop an amazing personality through owner commitment. A common misconception is that you will get poked by their quills, but they only stiffen when the hedgehog feels threatened, making it the perfect pet for a gentle owner.

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8. Scorpion

Now I know what you’re thinking, but just stick with me here. The scorpion is actually quite low maintenance! They make for a very unique pet, and will definitely be a talking point in many conversations. Their astrological sign actually symbolizes strength, so a scorpion is a great pet for all the #powerhouses out there!

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7. Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

Believe it or not, these can actually be pets. Most people think that dogs are a loyal pet, but these things could survive a nuclear holocaust. Despite having an off-putting appearance, they are actually quite docile and sweet creatures. Don’t worry, though, they don’t have wings.

Southern tamandua walking on a branch

6. Southern Tamandua

If you prefer function over form, then let me introduce you to the Southern Tamanduabasically an anteater. With such a unique appearance, they will love their owners constantly and always look for attention, but be careful, their tongues are incredibly sticky, perfect for eradicating pests.

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5. Chanterelle Fennec

If you ever couldn’t decide between a dog and a cat, then the Fennec is right up your alley! Their behavior is similar too, with the activity level of a cat and the playful nature of a puppy. If you have tons of energy or prefer an animal that sounds like a clothing brand, then this is the perfect pet!

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4. Axolotl

This is the Axolotl, a salamander from Mexico. If you’re an owner who is new to pets, this little guy can regenerate a limb! They can grow to become quite large, but for someone interested in exotic pets, the Axolotl is a fantastic choice!

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3. Skunk

Don’t worry, don’t worry, when a wild skunk is captured to become a pet, the source of their foul smell is removed. Once that is taken care of, they actually have a quite friendly demeanor, and will be quite similar to a cat. Despite the smelly stereotype, a skunk can actually be quite elegant.

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2. Llama

Surprisingly, the llama is not a very high maintenance pet, and they are lovely companions. On top of that, they look like a mix between a camel and a donkey. They are also quite reminiscent of the movie, “The Emperor’s New Groove.” So if you are a Disney fan looking for a low maintenance camel-donkey, then you should go and buy yourself a llama!

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1. Hippopotamus

If you’re incredibly adventurous and looking for a challenge, then maybe a baby hippo could be your new best friend. They can be great friends to an affectionate owner, and they start out fairly small. The biggest (emphasis on biggest) challenge for a hippo owner will be the fact that they can grow to weigh a ton, which if you don’t know, is pretty ridiculously heavy. Best of luck to any future hippopotamus owners out there!