Celebrating National Poetry Month with Emily Dickinson

Celebrating National Poetry Month with Emily Dickinson

April is an important month. Flowers are blooming, temperatures are rising and birds are chirping. But, although most would claim the opposite, the relevance of these 30 days is not solely springtime-related! Why? Because April 1 marks the official start of National Poetry Month, of course. Here at The Visor—whose staff is not at all short on avid readers, writers and literature enthusiasts—we want to pass our love of poetry onto you, our readers, in honor of National Poetry Month. Specifically focussing on the words of renowned poet Emily Dickinson, let April teach you to not only acknowledge, but appreciate the power of writing. So, pour some coffee, mentally prepare yourself to be blown away by Dickinson’s thoughts, sit back, and enjoy Visor’s handpicked collection of exceptional Emily Dickinson poems that need to be read during this vital month.


1. “XXXIII. Simplicity”

How happy is the little stone

That rambles in the road alone,

And doesn’t care about careers,

And exigencies never fears;

Whose coat of elemental brown

A passing universe put on;

And independent as the sun,

Associates or glows alone,

Fulfilling absolute decree

In casual simplicity



2. “XXI. A Book.”

He ate and drank the precious words,

His spirit grew robust;

He knew no more that he was poor,

Nor that his frame was dust.

He danced along the dingy days,

And this bequest of wings

Was but a book. What liberty

A loosened spirit brings!



3. “I’m Nobody! Who are you?”

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –  
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –  
To an admiring Bog!



4. “The Bustle in a House”

The Bustle in a House

The Morning after Death

Is solemnest of industries

Enacted upon Earth –


The Sweeping up the Heart

And putting Love away

We shall not want to use again

Until Eternity –



5. “LXXXIX. A word is dead.”

A word is dead

When it is said,

Some say.

I say it just

Begins to live

That day.



6. “The Soul selects her own Society”

The Soul selects her own Society —
Then — shuts the Door —
To her divine Majority —
Present no more —

Unmoved — she notes the Chariots — pausing —
At her low Gate —
Unmoved — an Emperor be kneeling
Upon her Mat —

I’ve known her — from an ample nation —
Choose One —
Then — close the Valves of her attention —
Like Stone —

