Complimenting Classes with Color


Do you feel energized in a yellow room? Does a purple room seem mysterious or regal? Color takes a massive role in the behavior of people, so here’s The Visor’s recommendations for color coordinating your classes!

Red: Red is a bright color that symbolizes strong feelings; it can either show energy and excitement, or confidence and power. We suggest that you use red for a daunting class— like an Honors or AP class— to show your readiness in the subject and a willingness to improve.

Orange: Similar to red, orange elicits energy and, on top of that, it can be associated with the renewal of autumn or the refreshment of citrus. We recommend utilizing this warm color for your middle of the day class, to get you ready to finish strong.

Yellow: Yellow is the peak of energy representation, and that is its main quality. It represents positivity and happiness, but it is also the most attention-grabbing color. The Visor proposes that you use yellow for your most labor-intensive class, such as a math class or a foreign language, as it will keep your attention and it will create a positive attitude.

Green: One of the most common colors in our world, green creates a sense of tranquility and good health. Additionally, it symbolizes nature and fertility. Due to its association with the natural world, we recommend you use this color for a science class, specifically Biology, Anatomy or Environmental Science!

Blue: Opposite of yellow, blue is a color that represents serenity, order and stability. Statistically speaking, people are more productive in blue rooms, so we suggest that you use blue for a class that requires a lot of work: APUSH, Chemistry or Physics.

Purple: Purple, generally uncommon in nature, is associated with mystery or intrigue. Purple typically represents royalty and regality. It also symbolizes creativity, so we recommend that purple is utilized for an art class to fuel inspiration and passion!

Pink: Pink most notably represents happiness and grace. It can also symbolize passion or love. Finally, it is refreshing to the spirit, so we encourage using pink as your go-to color for any religion classes!