Unique Ways to Destress

As the 2018 semester begins, new classes can pile on stress heavy and fast. Try these unique stress relievers to stay away from the unhealthy anxiety this semester:

Tai Chi

Tai chi (short for t’ai chi ch’üan), is a Chinese martial art known for internal health benefits. The slow movements mimic the concept of yin and yang, helping to practice balance of mind and body. Often described as “meditation in motion,” this practice promotes the release of unwanted stress through slow and long arm motions and small steps. These small steps could mean a huge leap toward stress reduction.


Originating in India, yoga is a group of mental, physical and spiritual practices that allow you to release emotions and practice discipline. Similar to tai chi, it helps explore the body’s physical and spiritual limits through slow movements in order to increase flexibility. By syncing the body’s breath and movements, yoga is said to improve strength and balance as well as psychological health. Jumpstarting your day with simple sun salutations could provide the energy needed to stay awake in English class.


The goal of aromatherapy is to increase physical and psychological health and well being by using plant-based materials. These ingredients come in the form of essential oils, candles, aroma lamps or diffusers. By associating scents with certain emotions such as calmness or happiness, it is possible to reduce panic in stressful situations. Breaking out the Vanilla Bean Noel candle during a bubble bath and wearing the same Bath & Body Works body spray to the upcoming Calculus test might push the grade up a notch.

Develop Your Taste in Music

The radio has a lot of great music to offer, but it gets repetitive. By delving into a favorite artist or genre, you can develop a deeper connection, possibly gaining more from the music-listening experience. Creating different playlists for moods or activities such as road trip songs or study music is a great way to destress and explore all that Spotify has to offer.